Indeed, audiobook streaming has made its way to being one of the most popular hobbies in the current era. With the advancement in technology, bringing physical books is no longer the trend as you can now save all the copies of the stories, novels, or any books that you like on your handy gadget.

If you happen to be one of the million users or subscribers of Audible, do you currently use the best device for Audible books? Or are you thinking to buy one or perhaps change the gadget you have right now? If you are, this post will definitely be helpful to you. As you go and read the content of this post, you’ll know which is the best device for Audible audiobooks streaming.

We will actually present you the list of our recommended Audible-supported devices. Of course, the decision as to which is the best device for Audible listening will always be yours. Audible is just so great for being a flexible platform that can be handled by several devices. But, if you are one of those who aren’t really sure if you have an Audible-supported gadget and if that’s good enough, then read what this article has for you!

Article Content Part 1. List of Audible-Compatible DevicesPart 2. The Best Devices for Audible Book StreamingPart 3. Make Audible Audiobooks Playable on Any DevicePart 4. Summary

Part 1. List of Audible-Compatible Devices

As we have mentioned, this post will be circling around the topic of getting you informed on the best device for Audible books listening. But, before we head onto that, we believe giving you information about the list of Audible-compatible devices would also be helpful. You may see the below for your reference.

  1. Windows and Mac computers
  2. Android and iOS gadgets
  3. Kindle E-ink devices
  4. Kindle Fire tablets
  5. Alexa-supported devices
  6. MP3 players

The above are only some of the gadgets that can handle Audible audiobook streaming. Of course, the methods of how one can use them could differ from one another. But since our agenda in this article isn’t really about all these Audible-compatible devices, we’ll now head on to discussing the list of the best device for Audible books listening that you can check out.

Part 2. The Best Devices for Audible Book Streaming

Finally, we are now in this section wherein you can read more about the best devices for Audible books listening.

Amazon Kindle Oasis (8th Gen or Above)

The 8th Generation Amazon Kindle or later model is considered one of the best device for Audible books streaming. What most users love about this device is that they can do seamless switching in case they suddenly would want to read e-books after listening to one audiobook. When it comes to the device’s appearance, it can be said that it is handy as it’s lightweight and thin. Thus, you can hold this for long hours if you wish to or bring it with you if you are off somewhere. It come with 4GB of storage.

However, being the cheapest one in the upgraded Kindle lineup also means it is missing a few features such as poor resolution, no SD card, and no front lighting. The 8th Generation Kindle alsoc can not handle PDF files well. The PDF rendering engine is slow, since the processor on this model is very low.

Amazon Kindle 8th Generation

iPod Classic

Of course, when it comes to the best devices for Audible books streaming, Apple devices would surely be on the list. Though released last 2001, iPod Classic still remains one of the best device for Audible books streaming. This device comes in different storage capacities and so users can choose which one would suit them depending on the number of audiobooks they are looking to store. You don’t need to worry about the battery life of this device as it definitely can last for long hours. The price of this one is cheaper compared to iPod Touch. However, you can really just use this for streaming – no other functions.

SanDisk Sansa

SanDisk Sansa is an MP3 player that can be recognized as one of the best devices for Audible books streaming. This is so easy to use as its interface is simple. Though initially, it’s only available in 4 GB and 8 GB versions, you can further expand this as there is a memory card slot on this gadget. Its battery life can last for up to 15 hours and supports several formats like MP3, WMA, FLAC, and OGG Vorbis. This is also quite small and is, of course, easy to carry.

Kindle Fire Tablets (with OS 5 or Above)

Kindle Fire tablets are developed by Amazon and are absolutely Audible-compatible devices. What users love with this gadget is that it’s affordable and does support Audible audiobook streaming as long as your network connection is doing fine. More so, there are other functions you can enjoy by using this gadget. Unfortunately, this seems not to be so portable compared with other MP3 players.

Amazon Echo Devices

Indeed, Amazon Echo is one of the best device for Audible books streaming. Actually, it supports not only audiobook streaming but also Spotify and Amazon Music listening. Since this smart speaker is also Alexa-supported, using this is very easy. You can just use your voice and give commands during your streaming time. In addition to this, you can even do alarm settings, check weather conditions, or even play live radio.

Amazon's Echo lineup includes Amazon Echo Studio, Echo Show, Echo Dot, and more. Though Amazon Echo devices are considered cheaper compared to the previous Audible-supported devices presented, these aren’t portable as they are huge in size. Also, compared to the first 4, the audio quality produced by Amazon Echo devices isn’t that good.

Amazon Echo Devices

Again, the above are only some of the best devices for Audible books streaming. There are still other devices that you can check and try using if you wish to, of course, depending on your taste, needs, as well as budget.

Now, if you don’t want to spend time looking for the best device for Audible books streaming, you should know that there is actually a way for you to still listen to your Audible audiobook favorites even without having an Audible-supported device. This might surprise you but you read this right! In fact, as you jump to the next part, you’ll get to know what we’re actually talking about.

Part 3. Make Audible Audiobooks Playable on Any Device

Rather than spend your time and money looking for the best device for Audible books streaming, why not just have your Audible audiobooks saved and downloaded on just any device you prefer to use? Well, we know you might be worried about the DRM protection that they have. You don’t actually have to think about that! In fact, there are several tools that can help with the easy removal of such. One of the best is this TunesFun Audible Converter.

Actually, apart from having the DRM removal feature, this TunesFun Audible Converter is also a good tool that can aid in the conversion of your Audible audiobooks to flexible formats like MP3. Thus, making all of them accessible on any media player or gadget. If I cancel my Audible membership do I keep my books? Of course! You can keep your book files on any device because the files are DRM-free now!

Plus, this works at a conversion speed of 60x. You can then surely save your time with this app! We also don’t want you to worry about the quality of the resulting files because almost the same quality as the original will be kept! Moreover, the ID tags and metadata details of the books will also be maintained.

Here is also a quick reference on how you can easily use this TunesFun Audible Converter to convert and download your audiobooks on the Audible app.

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Step #1. Once all the installation requirements of the app are accomplished and met, install the TunesFun Audible Converter on your PC and launch it. Start by adding the Audible books to be processed.

Add Audible Audiobooks To Software

Step #2. Choose an output format to use and make sure you modify the output parameter settings that you’d like to change.

Choose The Output Format And Output Folder

Step #3. Once you are all done with the setup, you can just hit the “Convert” button that is at the bottom area of the screen. By doing so, the app will be triggered to start the conversion and the DRM removal procedures right away.

Tap On Convert Button

With the fast conversion speed of the TunesFun Audible Converter, you shall expect that the transformed and DRM-free audiobooks will be available in just a few minutes.

Part 4. Summary

Upon reading the list of the best device for Audible books streaming that we have in the second part, have you made your choice on which one to purchase or use? If you’ll go ahead and get one, that’s fine! But, if you are looking into making all your favorites accessible on any device you wish to use, you can just download them through trusted apps like this TunesFun Audible Converter!

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